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No. 46: After the Rediscovery of the Writings of Missionaries in Ming and Qing Dynasties







THEME: After the Rediscovery of the Writings of Missionaries in Ming and Qing Dynasties


杨俊杰                         在重新发现以后:絮说传教士文学—神学论题引介

YANG Junjie                   After the Rediscovery of the Writings of Missionaries in Ming and Qing Dynasties: An Introduction*


李奭学                         「耶稣不灭孔子,孔子倒成全于耶稣」—试论马若瑟着《儒交信》

LI Sher-shiueh           “Jesus Did Not Destroy Confucius; Rather, Confucius Was thus Named All Because of Jesus’ Help”: A Close Look at Joseph Prémare’s Rujiaoxin (Abstract)


谢明光                         从利玛窦的《论耶稣会和天主教之进入中国》到金尼阁的《论天主教在中国的扩张》─兼论龙华民与早期在华耶稣会的传教策略                                    

XIE Mingguang         From Della entrata della Compagnia di Giesù e Christianità nella Cina to De Christiana Expeditione apud Sinas suscepta ab Societate Iesu: A Study on Niccolò Longobardo and the Policy of Jesuit Mission in Earlier Modern China (Abstract)


施 晔                         近代传教士所撰上海方言文献考述             

Sunny SHI                  The Study on Shanghai Dialect Documents Written by the Western Missionaries in Modern China (Abstract)


项秉光                         敦煌写卷《序听迷诗所经》写本考

XIANG Bingguang    The Research on The Hsu T’ingMi-Shih-So Ching of Dunhuang Nestorian Manuscripts (Abstract)


王志希                         「耶稣主义宣传家」—基督教社会主义者张仕章的生平、思想与时代

WANG Zhixi               “Evangelist of Jesusism”: Zhang Shizhang as a Christian Socialist (Abstract)





杨 砚                                                                                                        女性之「上帝形象」—试论奥古斯丁《论三一》卷十二有关女性身份的论述

YANG Yan             Woman’s “Image of God”: Augustine’s Discussion on Woman’s Status in The Trinity 12 (Abstract)


刘伟冬                         耶可比对斯宾诺莎哲学的批判

LIU Weidong              Jacobi’s Critique to Spinoza’s Philosophy (Abstract)


王 俊                         从海德格尔的宗教现象学到哲学密释学—兼论信仰经验的密释学性质

WANG Jun                  From Martin Heidegger’s Phenomenology of Religion to the Philosophical Hermetic: On the Hermetical Property of Experience of Faith (Abstract)


孙尚扬                         基督宗教和汉语神学对中国社会文化建设的可能功能

SUN Shangyang        The Possible Contribution of Christianity and Sino-Christian Theology to Chinese Social and Cultural Construction (Abstract)


邵铁峰                         社会理论与神学的对话—西美尔的宗教社会学研究

SHAO Tiefeng           A Dialogue Between Social Theory and Theology: A Study of Georg Simmel’s Sociology of Religion (Abstract)


林子淳                         在当代中国语境中反思施米特与朋霍费尔的意义

Jason T. S. LAM        Engaging Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Carl Schmitt in the Contemporary Chinese Context (Abstract)


肖云泽                         信仰方式与土地规则—以A省土地专项整治行动中的基督教为例

XIAO Yunze               Belief Patterns and Land Rules: A Case Study of Christianity Based on Land-Control Act in Province A (Abstract)





纪建勋                   迈向「核心问题」—从《依天立义》看範式转型之后的基督教与中国文学文化关系研究

JI Jianxun                   Approaching the Core Issues: Reviews and Prospects for the Studies of the History of Chinese Christianity (Abstract)


徐凤林                         东正教复活节圣火「奇迹」之争

XU Fenglin                  The Debate on Holy Fire of Orthodox Easter (Abstract)


* No English abstracts are provided for translated articles, brief book reviews or reports.
Institute of Sino-Christian Studies